Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The social justice issue I chose to research and discuss is different sexual orientations in the classroom.
I believe that learning about every sex, gender, race, religion, and sexuality is important. Students should understand that everyone is equal (or at least should be). Just because someone looks different than you doesn't mean you should treat them as less of a person.
I want to start about by saying that when I first searched my topic, I got a good amount of results that said something like "Homosexuals brainwashing our children." I also found a nice debate on whether or not homosexuality should be taught in schools. I think that if all types of religions are learned about in school, then why not all sexual orientations? There will be less bullying if students are taught to love and accept others different from themselves. You may not agree with the religion someone practices, but at least you can respect them and avoid discrimination. Hiding students from what is going on in the real only leaves them unprepared for when they actually enter it. I'm not saying students should be taught things like which religion to choose, but they should know about people and places different from their own.
No matter what some students in the school will grow up to be or may already identify as homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transexual, transgender, etc. Children need to know that they will be accepted no matter who they love or who they identify as. If they are not accepted, they can never truly blossom into the healthy and complete person we wish for them to be.
As for discussion of sexual orientation in classrooms, it is up to states and school administrators to decide what the curriculum is, which includes what can and cannot be discussed in class. Currently, there are at least seven states in the United States that prohibit schools from discussing homosexuality in a "positive light." Here is an example, a Missouri bill that prohibits discussion of sexual orientation in classrooms. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/randy-turner/missouri-bill-prohibits-d_b_1439299.html
By avoiding discussion of different sexualities, we promote intolerance, and end up with things like the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," policy, which I still can't believe was actually legal. We are always striving towards a better future, a world more equal for everyone no mater who you are. If we do not learn about different cultures, people, and places, then we will remain intolerant and will be doomed to repeat history.


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